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Publications and Presentations
- Baltz J, Rubin A, Adigun C, CR Daniel, Hinshaw M, Knacksedt T, Lipner SR, Rich P, Stern D, Zaiac M, Jellinek NJ. Expert Consensus on Nail Procedures and Selection of CPT Codes. Dermatologic Surgery. August 2021; 7(8): 1079-1082.
- Baltz J, Rubin A, Adigun C, Daniel CR, et al. Expert Consensus on Nail Procedures and Selection of CPT Codes. Dermatologic Surgery. 47: 1079-1082, 2021.
- Buttars B, Brodell RT, Rashid Z. Umbilical Remnant Allograft Application in the Treatment of Erosive Pustular Dermatosis of the Scalp. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Case Reports. 2022(5):70-72.
- Chelf S, Davis RE, Bass MA, Ford MA, Firouzabadi AD, Leo JT, & Nahar VK. Osteoporosis Knowledge and Health Beliefs among Middle-aged Men and Women in the Southern United States. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine. Accepted 4/8/22
- Daniel RC. Diagnostic Approach to Tinea Capitis with Kerion: A Retrospective Study. Pediatric Dermatology. DOI: 10.1111/pde.15021
- Gromley Z, Agwuncha C, Nahar VK, & Gromley, A. (In Press). The Effectiveness of the Metabolic Map in Promoting Meaningful Learning. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine. Accepted 9/22/21
- Hassan OM, Medepalli VM, Zieman D, Ortego JR, Brodell RT, & Nahar VK. Translucent Cyst around the Eyelid.Journal of the Dermatology Nursesc' Association. Accepted 4/4/2022
- Hodge B, Daniel CR, Elewski B: Vaccine Toes are the New COVID Toes. Skin Appendage Disorders. Accepted 12/29/2021.
- Holmes M, Tabba D, Mockbee CS, Brodell RT and Nahar VK. (In Press). Allergic Contact Dermatitis Following Prior Burn Injury. Journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association. Accepted 4/25/2022
- Medepalli VM, Langley C, Mockbee CS, Brodell RT and Nahar VK. (In Press). Yellow Plaques around the Eyes. Journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association. Accepted 11/28/21.
- Medepalli VM, Srikakolapu S, Preda-Naumescu A, Brodell RT and Nahar VK. (In Press). Bullous Impetigo Following an Abrasion in a 17-Year Old Female. Journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association. Accepted 8/23/21.
- Pearlman R, Badon HR, Whittington A, Brodell RT, Ward K.The isooncotopic response: Immunotherapy-associated bullous pemphigoid in tumor footprints. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. Accepted 3/11/22.
- Pearlman RL, Condie D, Nahar VK, and Black WH. Adoption of Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination Among Dermatologic Surgeons: A Survey Study of American College of Mohs Surgery Members. Dermatologic Surgery. 2022 Mar 1;48(3):373-376.
- Pearlman RL, Le PB, Brodell RT, and Nahar VK. Evaluation of patient attitudes towards the technical experience of synchronous teledermatology in the era of COVID-19. Archives of Dermatology Research. 2021;13(9): 769-772.
- Pearlman RL, Wilkerson AH, Cobb E K, Summer M, Lawson FG, Humphries LS, Mockbee, CS, Ward KHM, and Nahar VK. (In Press). Factors associated with Likelihood to Undergo Cosmetic Procedures among Young Adults in the United States: A Narrative Review. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology. Accepted 3/14/22.
- Sharma M, Asare M, Lakhan R, Kanekar A, Nahar VK, & Moonie S. (In Press). Can the multi-theory model (MTM) of health behavior change explain the intent for people to practice meditation? Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine. Accepted 11/16/21
- Shemer A, Daniel CR, et al. Management of Tinea Capitis in Israel. PediatricDermatology. 10.111/pde. 14572, 2021.
- Wells J, Watson K, Daniel CR, Brodell RT, Nahar VK. (In Press). Holiday Reindeer Trivia for Physicians Who Like Hair and Nails. Skin Appendage Disorders. Accepted 11/22/2021
- Wilkerson AH, Davis RE, Sharma M, Harmon MB, McCowan, HK, Mockbee CS, Ford MA, & Nahar VK. (In Press). Use of the Multi-theory Model (MTM) in Explaining Initiation and Sustenance of Indoor Tanning Cessation among College Students. Archives of Dermatological Research. Accepted 2/15/22.
- Badon HR, Pearlman RL, Bhattacharya K, Inguva S, Huynh T, Brodell RT, & Nahar VK. Comorbidities of Psoriasis Exacerbate Additional Negative Impacts on Patient Psychological and Physical Quality-of-Life. January 16th, 2022. Winter Clinical Dermatology Conference, Kauai, Hawaii.
- Badon HR, Pearlman RL, Ortego J, Brodell RT, & Byrd AC.“Overcoming Barriers to Rural Academic Dermatology.” Southern Dermatology Consortium Resident Research Day, Annual Meeting, February, 2022.
- Lipner SR, Vlahovic TC, DanielCR, & Elewski B. Therapeutic Recommendation for the Treatment of Toenail Onychomycosis in the USA. ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical/Conference, 1/17/2022.
- Firouzabadi AD, Chelf S, Davis RE, Bass MA, Ford MA, Leo JT, & Nahar VK. Knowledge of Osteoporosis and Health Beliefs among Middle-Aged Men and Women in the Southern United States. Mississippi Public Health Association, Annual Conference, Flowood, MS, April, 2022.
- Huynh TN, Nahar, VK, Brodell, RT, & Sharma M. “New and Emerging Therapies and Behavioral Approaches among Health Care Professionals for Management of Moderate-To-Severe Atopic Dermatitis in Children.” Advanced Practice Provider Conference, Flowood, MS, April, 2022.
- Ortego J. The Dermatology Under-Represented Minority Project: Answering the Call-to-Action. 18th Annual Skin of Color Society Scientific Symposium, Thursday, March 24, 2022, Boston, MA.
- Medepalli VM, Black WH, Davis RE, Sharma M, Ford MA, Brodell RT, & Nahar VK. “Associations of Perceived Skin Cancer Absolute Risk and Comparative Risk with Sunscreen Use among Patients with Keratinocyte Carcinoma.” American Academy of Dermatology, Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, March, 2022.
- Nahar VK, Wilkerson AH, Pearlman RL, Cobb, EK, Aldana I, Garcia N, Pandya A, Hilts A, & Cruse AR. “A Systematic Narrative Review of Skin Cancer related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices among Beachgoers.” American Academy of Dermatology, Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, March, 2022.
- Nair VB, Wilkerson AH, Davis RE, Sharma M, Quadri SSA, Samuel KD, & Nahar VK.“Testing Multi-theory Model (MTM) in Predicting Initiation and Sustenance of Adequate Sleep Behavior among Medical College Students.” Mississippi Public Health Association, Annual Conference, Flowood, MS, April, 2022.
- Pearlman RL & Brodell RT. (Invited). Academic Medical Centers (AMCs) and DataDerm: Synergistic Access to Data. What you need to know from an IT perspective. American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Annual Meeting. March 2022. Boston, MA
- Pearlman RL, Black WH, Davis RE, Brodell RT, & Nahar VK. Sunscreen Awareness, Attitudes, and Practices in Patients with History of Keratinocyte Carcinoma. 54th American College of Mohs Surgery Annual Meeting Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2022.
- Powers C & Brodell RT. “Dermatology Residency Training at the VA: Is there demonstrable value to the resident?” Southern Dermatology Consortium Resident Research Day, Annual Meeting, February, 2022.
- Rezac LM, Bhattacharya K, Inguva S, Pearlman RL, Huynh TN, Brodell RT, & Nahar VK. “Acne & Rosacea: An Assessment of Comorbidities and Quality of Life.” Southern Dermatology Consortium Resident Research Day, Annual Meeting, February, 2022. Oral Presentation.